11/08/2020Swimming Pool Algae: What to Know
How often have you been excited about using your pool, only to find that the water is suspiciously murky? Sundays Off Pool Service and Repair understands how frustrating it can be when algae sabotages a nice day at the pool, and knows how to restore your water to its clear, clean appearance quickly with algae removal service.
Causes of a Green Pool
If chlorine levels drop, it can lead to the growth of algae in your pool. Not only will the algae give your pool water a green tint, it can attract mosquitoes and other insects, exposing your family and friends to diseases like West Nile. Algae growth not only harms the appeal of your pool, but is considered a hazard to public health. Because algae growth becomes a host for various pathogens, any signs of growth need to be treated immediately.
Treatment and Removal of Algae
Sundays Off Pool Service and Repair, in the Minnesota and Henderson, Nevada area has the experience and skill to treat a variety of algae that can threaten your pool, including:
- Green Algae
- Algae Blooms and Spores
- Mustard or Yellow Algae
- Pink Algae
vBlack Algae
No matter how well-maintained your pool chemicals are, algae spores will always be present. They continuously find their way into your pool due to rain, wind, or other debris. Treatment involves making sure that the spores are not able to bloom into algae. These blooms are what cause the green color normally associated with algae growth. If you suspect that you have algae blooms in your pool, it is important to schedule service as quickly as possible. Untreated algae is a health hazard to anyone who uses your pool.
Types of Algae
You are probably familiar with green algae, which is the most common type and causes pool water to appear green. However, there are many other variety of algae that can harm your pool.
Plaster pools are at risk for black algae, which appears as black spots or patches. Black algae is difficult to remove, and may be a source for more harmful bacteria like E. Coli. The pink slime often referred to as “pink algae” is not actually an algae at all, but a bacteria. Although it poses no risk to humans, it is unsightly and makes surfaces slippery, increasing risks to safety.
A more rare type of algae is “mustard” or yellow algae. It is found at the bottom of your pool and looks like dirt or sand. It is resistant to chlorine, so it can be extremely difficult to remove. Professional service is highly recommended if your pool is home to yellow algae.
Algae Treatment in Minnesota
No matter what color or type of algae you are dealing with, Sundays Off Pool Service and Repair has the knowledge and equipment to restore your pool water, and make sure the algae doesn’t return.
If you suspect algae is growing in your pool, hire a professional as soon as possible. Not only is algae unsightly, but it can be a real risk to you and your family’s health.