13/07/2017How to Detect Pool and Spa Leaks
One of the biggest problems facing any pool or spa owner is leaks. Leaks can happen for several reasons, and they can be very difficult to catch. In some cases, the only sign that there’s a problem is the rapid change in the water level. Leaks also tend to happen in the places where it’s most difficult to access, so repairing them can be tricky. Leaks can cause any number of issues, not the least of which is higher utility bills from all the extra water you will need and the extra energy your pool system might expend while the leak is ongoing. Here’s how leaks are detected by pool service professionals.
Detecting Swimming Pool Leaks
The easiest way to notice if there’s a leak is by checking the water level on a regular basis. In many jurisdictions, having a water gauge for commercial pools is required. If you see the water level changing, then immediately go around your pool and check for any noticeable cracks. You should also check all the fittings and pipes that you can access to see if any water is getting in. If you’re unsuccessful in locating the leak, then a professional can use special equipment like cameras and microphones to find the problem.
Detecting Spa Leaks
Spa leaks can be especially hard to locate, but they are usually caused by faulty seals and broken connections in the piping. Professionals use state of the art equipment to find the leaks, but they can also use something simple like food coloring in the water. You can also keep checking the water level for any rapid changes. A good idea is to mark the water level with a water resistant writing utensil, and check after 24 hours. If the water has gone down a quarter of an inch or more, then there’s a good chance you have a leak.
One of the most important things when it comes to leaks in your pool or spa is identifying that there’s a problem as soon as possible. Check the water levels regularly, and if you think there’s a leak issue, call a professional right away to fix it before the problem gets even bigger and more expensive.
It is always a good idea to have your pool inspected by a professional. Sundays Off Pools offers pool inspection and maintenance services in Minnesota. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact us online or call us at 763-546-1651.